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 Under Resourced?  Not a problem. Get two ladies to throw a yard sale in a fancy neighborhood and make a few bucks. Tonight I was texting back and forth with 2 YA boys. Both 17. One lives in Pac Pal, the other in South L.A. One has lots of $ and a big house -- the other is in foster care. One is rich, smart and troubled in that order.

The other is under-resourced, talented and kind in that order. They are both equally cute and sought after by girls.  Who do I think has a stronger hand of cards?  That's like comparing a teenage Donald Trump, Jr. and  a teenage Jay-Z. There's that lucky card, and that's where the odds get tricky. The good news is that it's America, and even though the playing field is completely out of whack, money and talent can still compete at the top.

It's the average kids, though, where it gets less fun.  Average "poor kids" will remain average "poor kids", and they will stay in the cycle of poverty.

Average run-of-the-mill "rich kids" will at least be able to make a living.  One doesn't often hear discourse about "escaping from the cycle of wealth".

A kid can survive, even thrive being mediocre and wealthy, but not so much mediocre and poor. We're just saying that if you don't have talent, it's good to know how to make money. 

That's what we're doing.  Teaching kids to make money. Legally.  And give back.  One yard sale at a time.


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Young Revolutionary Poetry is a collective of Los Angeles spoken-word artists whose mission is to bring about social change through words