

Millennial Voters Project

Mike Riley, filmmaker, “The Uninformed States of America”


Send Our Filmmakers to the 2016 Democratic National Convention

We Need the Kids to Vote

$3,500 - 4 Days - Invaluable Footage


The 2016 Presidential race has shaken up the United States in ways that haven’t been seen since the sixties.  This is especially true for younger voters and voters who have never engaged in the political process.  The media frenzy surrounding the 2016 election has proven that once again young Americans can get excited about the political process. 

But what happens when the election is over?  Will twenty-somethings tune out and go back to their normal lives as if politics is not about them?  Will the millennials who will show up to vote for president show up for anything else in government?   Do they know how?   Do they care?  How do we get young Americans informed and active?  How do we help them to see the importance of government?  These are the questions The Young Angels Millennial Voters Project seeks to answer.

Our first goal is to send filmmakers Mike Riley and Nick Giggans-Hill to the 2016 Democratic National Convention taking place in Philadelphia, July 25 -28, 2016. There, they will interview members of politically active organizations as well as millennials on the street to capture how they feel about civic participation within our electorate and what they think can be done to increase involvement.

About the filmmakers:  Mike Riley is in production on the documentary film:  “The Uniformed States of America.” Nick Giggans-Hill is a documentary filmmaker and graduate of Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film and Television.

Budget:  $3,500 (includes two r/t air tickets to Philadelphia.)  Do you have Delta, United or American miles you would donate?  Call Brook Dougherty 310.266.7171


Filming Project:

 These purpose of MVP is to:

·         Teach young voters how to register and vote.

·         Educate Millennial voters on civics, political issues, the political process and the importance of government.

·         Produce and Launch the documentary film "The Uninformed States of America."


Interview Questions:

  • What do you feel is the best way an individual citizen can change government?
  • What in your opinion is the definition of government?
  • Do think government is a necessary entity?
  • If you could add one sentence to the US constitution, what would it be?
  • Can you name one thing people do in their everyday lives that does not involve the government in some way?
  • Is voting a right and if so why does it not say so in the Constitution?
  • What exactly, if anything, is democracy?
  • What are the flaws, if any, that you feel exists within the US system of democracy and politics?
  • What, if anything, do you feel is the responsibility of the citizen in a democracy?
  • What is the key significance of civic education in the US?
  • Whose responsibility is it to inform the public about government, civic responsibility and affairs of the state?
  • Do you feel like the entities that are intended to inform the public (the press, politicians, educators, their registered parties, etc.) about governmental affairs does so effectively without using biased?
  • Do you feel like the average citizen trusts the press or media? Should they? And if no, why not?
  • Is the lack in civic education to blame for low voter turnouts and political ignorance and apathy in the US?
  • Why is that civic education is not stressed more in this country?
  • Do you feel that higher levels of civic education in the US can result in more political involvement amongst the general public?
  • What would you say is the relationship between the average American citizen and civic duty?
  • Would you support some sort of voter reform? If yes, what kind?
  • Would you support some sort of campaign reform? If yes, what kind?
  • If people do not vote, do you feel they have the right to complain?
  • Would you support compulsory voting?
  • Is there a so-called “dumbing down” of America taking place?
  • If the majority of citizens were more engaged in civics, more educated on government, or more informed on the issues, do you think as much corruption, misconduct, and unscrupulousness would take place within politics?


Filming Style:

The segments will be shot in a style that is a mix between reality filming and narrative documentary. These segments will be short. (No more than 15 minutes).

The journey begins in LA by telling a small background story and then transition to Pennsylvania for the convention.


Organizations, Events and Groups to reach out to:

Prior to heading to Philadelphia, we will schedule interviews with organizations, groups, individuals, elected officials, volunteers, and voters.  Some of these organizations have scheduled protests, events, and rallies near the convention. Some of these include:

  1.    BlackLivesMatter
  2.    #BernieorBust
  3.    Donkeys Around Town
  4.    Politcal Fest
  5.   Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign,
  6.    Shut Down the DNC"
  7.  celebrate the political process 
  8.  We the People Restoration Rally
  9.  Occupy DNC Convention


Links to Events for the 2016 DNC:


The dates of the convention are July 25 –July 28 + two travel days.

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